Ben Nevis 2024

Posted by on February 20, 2025

*When the going gets tough*
     *The tough gets going*

Our 4th annual Ben Nevis Challenge Sunday 24th August 2024 is over, but life will throw many challenges like this, and it’s how we respond to these challenges will decide your true undaunted character.

Was there anything we could have done about weather except cribbing about it –  nothing, literally NOTHING, as it’s not in our control, but we did adjust many things which were in our control to prepare for the day, like changing the start time based on weather forecast, getting as good gears as possible and most importantly making up your mind to face the whatever may come.

I am pretty sure, many of us, especially first timers should have had few moments when they might be feeling low with a question mark on their faces, “CAN WE?” or “COULD WE?”


Sankhya on the day was 74 (72 participants + 2 Registration Volunteers), highest ever in last 4 year, especially knowing that weather forecast is HARSH!!

We had 24 Sevikas and 48 Swayamsevaks, with 21 young stars in the age range of 7-17 years, where youngest one was 7 years old and eldest one 75 years old.

*A BIG* to everyone for completing the challenge!!

Some of us needs special mention –

*A SPECIAL BIG * / thanks to –

 1. Youngest stars – Saanav 7 years, Dhairya 7, Pehel 8 , Rajveer 9, Hritik 9, Rishi 9 and Prisha 10 
2. Registration Team – Komal and Vyanketesh for sacrificing full day for this event

3. Ashmesh, Sonali and Shiva for setting up their own fund raising page to support this good cause.

4. Mukesh, Shiva and Glasgow Team – for waiting and serving the tea till the last person completed the challenge. When intent is good and cause is noble, dreams do come true, while descending some of us were discussing that how nice it will be if someone can serve the tea at the bottom, and yes tea being served at base

5. All the volunteers team – Girish, Abhay, Dharam, Sumit , Mukesh , Jagadeep and Kailash

6. Last but not the least, Kishan and SewaUK Team working behind the scene for all the logistical support.

Funds raised:
Net donations £1650 + gift aid £305 (total £1955)

Shiv Singh

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